~Blog post sorts by months~

Monday, February 29, 2016

Happy February everyone!

~(   )8>
Hai hai Blog! It's been so long since my last post
Here are some updates on what I've been up to lately.

Well my holidays were well. My waifu came over to SL and visited me ^-^
My Tutu stayed with me RL for the holidays as well. Twas nice. *smiles*

Christmas and New Years time was nice too~ 
[Meanwhile on PSN]
Before Thanks Giving, I made a party on PSN to which my waifu and friends all took a part in to keeping it going, my waifu especially. It was the longest PSN party according to these people and this site. We had screen shot proof for each milestone we hit, from 25 hours all the way to our 1200+ hours. Our only video proof was during a time when Sony was getting hacked, me and my other friend were both still in the party holding it down, but the person who was recording the proof couldn't join the party at the time. Therefor the entry would not had been valid. 
R.I.P. Taco Penis. 
Other than that, I sent some/most of my clan mates their dog tags for Christmas :D
#WIPNinjas <3
Also did the charity event for Extra-Life
24 hours of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies. That was fun.
This year I will be streaming more than just one game during my 24 hour run ^-^ and I may play with the viewers as well ^-^
Looking forward to it, currently editing my pages and my channel. :)
[In less interesting news]
I met a very interesting fellow yes on PSN. He's my hubby~ but not really XD
He's my husband, he just doesn't know it yet lmao.
[In more interesting news]
There are some places that I would like to go to and things I'd love to try to do this year if the fates allow :).
1st: I wanna go see Bo Burnham Live here in Hawaii. If you do not know who he is, he is this hilarious comedian that is both funny and punny as hell. Freakin fangasm'd when I saw that he was gonna be performing here in Hawaii on April fools day. I was just like "please don't be messing with my feels!"
2nd: Kawaii-Kon - Hawaii's Anime convention. I want to at least go for Saturday this year. It's on the weekend after Bo Burnham comes. XuX My senpai Jessica Nigiri is gonna be here along with the voice actor that does "Tank Dempsey" from the CODBO zombies series! *screams* I'd love to meet those two very much.
3rd: Taokaka Cosplay - There is this SUPER CUTE blue Taokaka cosplay outfit that I would like to obtain either before/during/after my birthday. Just around then. :3 *prays* I love Tao~ and omg if I could get this then by some miracle meet my senpai Jessica Nigiri again then I could be like Tao to Litchi. *giggle snorts*
4th: EVO 2k16 - If you know me then you know my hype when it comes to Evo and E3. Evo more so because it revolves around the fighting games that I absolutely adore. Tekken, Blazblue, MKX, SF, UMVC3, and of course the hype-iest of the hype SMASH! I'd love to be there in person to witness all this awesome epic-ness this year! <3 Sadly it's in Vegas and it is expensive AF to go there *sob sob* not really just a couple thous. for a couple days. TEKKEN 7/POKKEN/SMASH! must sees. Specially the finals. X0X maybe I'll make a fundraiser to try to raise some $$$ for the trip XuX. 
That's pretty much it.
Now to shift reality back to SL
[Back to SL]
I've been working steadily with Z and XTC co-hosting as well as DJ'ing @The Lazy Panda :) 
I'll make another post next month on OVG <3
Also I have a few really good friends on there that I'd like to do a quick shout out to.
1: Jaycee~ <3 she's totes my SL bestie <3 we can talk about everything and anything to eachother. She's awesome and I love her to bits.
2: TailsPower25~ a.k.a. myn waifu. lol Need I say more >w>
3: G and Jae~ Mista G the cool cat, and the clod Jae. XD There is never a dull moment between these guys. Plus the owners of The Lazy Panda. Much love dudes.
4: Tabby x Richter~ My sissy and fellow XTC co-host Tabby and her silly, goofy goober hubby Richter. Since I first came to the Ocean View Trivias and Name that tunes these two were always so kind to me. ^-^ Love you guys <3
5:  Last but not least. RayzersEdge~ #NoComment #NoTimeToExplainWhyIDon'tHaveTimeToExplain lol
Any whos~

I'll stop rambling for now. This post is done. ^-^ Everyone have a happy day, happy week, happy month, and a happy 2016! 
Ciao til the next post folks!
