~Blog post sorts by months~

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Good news, Bad news: #1

Hai hai blog! Kinta Foxdale here for a little update. *Winks*

Well, I've got good news and bad news to report.

The bad news is, I didn't get a chance to work today as a co-host on XTC Radio today because the main DJ couldn't make it. :( We had to cancel "Name that tune" today and that was kind of sad. Me ish hoping all is well with him and that he can get back on as soon as everything is alright with him.
Also may or may not be able to blog again on Saturday? Due to RL, but we will see. If I can get something up on that day then forget what I said here. *giggles*

The good news is that I finally uploaded my first Mesh thinga majiggy! :D yay! and stuff. *laughs*
It was just of a picture frame and it wents from 3 prims to 2 thanks to mesh. *smiles* It may not mean much to ya, but I am happy. Soon as long as I keep messing with blenders basic stuff I'll be able to make bigger and better things with the mesh for SL buildings. This is just my tiny step that could lead to bigger things in my future. :)
Also, I've been pretty happy and proud of my lil (not so good) GIMP edits I've been doing. Using green screen photo's taken ISL and edited in... well GIMP *laughs a lil*
This one was really simple edit, but as you can kind of see near the tail and the hair on the left side of the pic you can see clippings of the green also there was a little... I don't know what that was at the bottom left hand corner of the picture was a clipping of a background object from in game. Am working on perfecting this but otherwise I am happy with the progress that is being made. *smiles*

Any who~ 
Sorry for had rambled on. ^-^ Just wanted to keep the blog posted on my shinanegains and what nots.
Well~ hope you are all having a good and busy week. 
(as if anyone reads my blogs *sarcastically cries a little on the inside*)
Take care!


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