~Blog post sorts by months~

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Good News, Bad News #3

Hai Blog! Kinta Foxdale here with the latest updates.
We'll start with the bad and end with the good~

Bad news: I've been unavailable lately and will still be for a month and a few weeks. Few projects I'm working on. Not so GIMP/Blender related, but more on the editing photography side. And there is the all mighty Ocean Views Gamers. They are officially closed for good. Meaning no more "Name That Tune" or "Thursday night trivia" since they were our sponsor. -Sad Face- Also my DJ stream URL's are currently invalid (due to failure to renew) and will be off until further notice.
Well on the bright side~
Good news: is that all shall be back to normal and I shall be gaming on my PS4 by October some time. Actually I've got a ton of good news to report. ^-^ Recently, finally beaten Pokemon X. -giggles- And I finally finished disk 2 on Final Fantasy VIII. (yes it's good news because I've been on that disk for nearly 2 years >0< CURSE YOU TRIPLE TRIAD)
Been applying to blog for some people and events ISL . *Crossing fingers I get to blog for some* ^-^ #Excited. Made Mocha a blog that you can check out here. It's called "Kinta Mocha's Corner" *smiles* Just started that blog and I swear it looks better than mine. :'3
Also got to play this round of The Arcade and set out / organize some of my for sale gachas that I never put in the marketplace. Everything that I am willing to sell from this round of The Arcade is in a list that you can find right here.
American Horror Story is back~ And this time it's based on true events :0 Already looking forward to the future episodes *grins*
I also got myself that plurky-thinga-majig. hehe. You can see it there on the side of my blog --->
Soon perhaps next week I'll be re-doing my blog page :)
And what else~
Oh yeah~ I got a new head
The M3 - Venus Head. Yup~ lol
^That's what my fox-mod looks like with that face XD^
^So damn hoomanisk . Bah!^
Am experimenting with different body parts and such so nya :P
Slowly getting back into GIMP. >P Layers are still a pain in my booty but meh~ I'll get over it. I'll probably do another UV coloring MAYBE~. Current project is simple photo edits and logo making. So my blog and Mocha's will have their own logos. (Coming soon)
I think that's all I have to report for now. If I come up with any- OH Wait!
I've also started playing Pokemon Go In Second Life! Yep.
For more infos on that you can check out the two posts I did over on Mocha's page.
[Clicky Here for the details] [Clicky Here for my Pokestop details]
My (both RL and SL) mama's birthday is coming up soon (like tomorrow) lol and I gonna make her a birthday post and some logos. Well, gonna do my best on the logos thing.
Love you mama! :D
Kay~ That is all for neow. ^-^

I will see you again in the next post.
Take cares and has a nice week ^^
Ciao~ <3


1 comment:

  1. Lol yay at least there was good news alot of it in this one. Finally making #Progress in FF8 took you forever XD. Also hope you win the contest for the arcade you got some stiff competition. BTW message me in SL i want to play pokemon go haven't actually played RL recently thanks to not being able to catch even low level ones. Also you missed my birthday :( but its all gouda. Bye *runs to corner and hides* *hopes you reply* not really though. ^_^
